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Bioshock infinite key to chest in police station

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Alternate Universe Reed Richards Is Awesome: In one universe, she was married to a self-proclaimed Prophet and was easily the most powerful woman in the city where everyone loved her.Ax-Crazy: After being raised from the dead, infused with Elizabeth's hatred.However, Comstock convinced her to seek redemption and she genuinely devoted herself to being a better person, which is why she remained so loyal to Comstock even after she began to realize just how much of a monster he was. The Atoner: In contrast to the saintly persona Comstock built around her, her personal Voxophone recordings reveal she was some sort of dangerous Femme Fatale before she joined up with Comstock.Alternate Self: Ken Levine confirms she and Booker's wife are the same person.It's also deconstructed, implying that the reason she was like this is because she was codependent. All-Loving Hero: Much loved by her servant staff for this reason, and why she stuck around Comstock despite his supervillainy.She is worshipped as a martyr after her (supposed) assassination at the hands of Daisy Fitzroy. The late wife of Comstock, who supposedly gave birth to Elizabeth a mere seven days after conception. Without the sinner, what need is there for a redeemer? Without sin, what grace has forgiveness?" "Love the Prophet, because he loves the sinner.

Bioshock infinite key to chest in police station